Microfiber Towel by Rainleaf. Perfect Sports & Travel &Beach Towel.Fast Drying -

July 24, 2017 Faiz 0 Comments

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Price $8.55 - $19.99

Sports & Outdoors, Outdoor Recreation, Camping & Hiking, Personal Care, Towels

FAST DRYING - much comfortable for next use & convenient to pack. SUPER ABSORBENT - capable of repeat use in short time & dry you fast. BEAUTIFUL COLOR - much suitable for multi use daily.
ANTIBACTERIAL - keep your towel fresh and away from mildew & germ. SKIN FRIENDLY - remarkable soft suede like feel on your skin and face.
ULTRA COMPACT & LIGHT WEIGHT - easy to carry and space saving. HANG SNAP LOOP - practical & easy to hang anywhere and dry. CARRY BAG - reusable and waterproof.
With all the features of Rainleaf microfiber towel listed above, they can do their job well as travel towels or sports towels. Also they are ideal for beach, travel, camping, swimming, backpacking, gym.
It is suggested to wash your towel before first use, even it's from Rainleaf. You can return the towel you buy from us for a replacement via Amazon if you experience any problem with our towel. Lifetime warranty.

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