KitchenArt 57010 Select-A-Spice Auto-Measure Carousel ProfessionalSeries, Satin

December 17, 2017 Faiz 0 Comments

get list of amazon products that are Kitchen & Dining, for women, cool items

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Home & Kitchen, Kitchen & Dining

8.25 x 9 x 6.5 inch, each canister holds 4.5 oz. each
Made of durable plastic with a beautiful champagne satin finish
Get the exact amount needed without measuring spoons; twist the dial for a perfect 1/4 tsp. measurement
Includes 12 removable spice compartments on a rotating base and 55 spice labels
Mounts under a cabinet or shelf, or fully stackable for easy storage of 24, 36 or 48 different spices

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