Sonic Alert SBB500SS Sonic Bomb Loud Dual Alarm Clock with Bed Shaker

November 18, 2018 Faiz 0 Comments

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Home & Kitchen, Home Décor, Clocks, Alarm Clocks

Turbo charged loud, vibrating alarm clock
Shakes you awake with powerful bed shaker and adjustable extra loud alarm
Built-in pulsating alert lights
Adjustable volume and tone
Snooze defuser
Large red LCD
Explosive red display

Battery back-up, will work with optional 220V adapters
1 Year manufacturer's warranty
Black with red accents
113db extra-loud alarm with adjustable tone & volume control
Packaged with our newest most powerful 12 volt bed shaker
5-level dimmer & test function to ensure your clock is setup properly
Dual Alarm and equipped with 12/24 hour time capability
Built-in red flashing alert lights, and battery backup
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